R.A.K. - Random Acts of Kindness

Ora aqui está uma iniciativa de louvar! "Random Acts of Kindness" é uma rubrica do blogue Book Soulmates. Todos os meses nos podemos inscrever neste evento, completando a ficha que é providenciada no site. Basta preencher com o nosso nome, e-mail, blog (se tivermos um), o país a que pertencemos e mais importante um link para a nossa lista de desejos! Se tivermos sorte, uma alma caridosa irá olhar para a nossa lista e talvez mandar-nos um livro!

As Regras / The Rules:

• Sign up each month you'd like to participate in.

• Show off your participation! Grab one of the buttons available :)

• Create a wishlist and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
{Post on your blog, Amazon, where ever as long as there's a link to it.}

• If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wishlist and contact that blogger for their address.

• At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K!
Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)

Lets's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!

Easy peasy!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vanessa at
Twerd413 [at] gmail DOT com
or through twitter: @booksoulmates

2 comentários:

Laura disse...

Sem dúvida que isto é altamente interessante *.*

Cat SaDiablo disse...

Ai que fixe!!! :D