Curta: Finding Magic (Stacia Kane)

Finding Magic by Stacia Kane
Publisher: Del Rey (2012)
Format: e-book | 130 pages
Genre(s): Novella, Urban Fantasy
Description (GR): "When eighteen-year-old Chess Putnam is offered the chance to train with a special team of investigators known as the Black Squad, she feels torn. She’s never been a team player and hates how one male Inquisitor condescends to “the new kid.” But at her first bloody crime scene, she gets a taste for investigation—and is hooked on the high. Though the seasoned Inquisitors consider the series of ghost murders random events, Chess starts to detect a pattern. Is a psycho killer summoning ghosts from the City of Eternity and using them as murder weapons? As Chess gets closer to the dark truth, she puts herself in grave danger and risks losing everything she’s fought so hard for." 
Finding Magic takes place before book one (way before), Unholy Ghosts. Chess is 18 and still a student/ trainee in the Church. Due to her good grades she is offered a chance to train with members of a Black Squad. She is soon involved in an investigation about some murders possibly committed by ghosts.

This novella was a quick read. It's interesting mostly because it explores Chess's early years in the Church. We are told a bit more about her childhood, about how she views the world and even the beginnings (somewhat) of her addiction. We also learn how she became a Debunker and met Elder Griffin.

So basically, this is a good book (or novella) to start with if you're interested in reading this series.

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